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The Phishing Scam That's Costing Companies Millions: Is Your Business Next?

Published On:
May 7, 2024
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Phishing attacks have come a long way from the poorly spelled, generic emails of the past. Today, cybercriminals are employing increasingly sophisticated tactics to trick employees and steal sensitive information and money. One of the most insidious and effective methods currently in use is the fake email chain phishing attack, which is responsible for a growing number of corporate wire fraud incidents.

What is a Fake Email Chain Phishing Attack? 

In a fake email chain phishing attack, cybercriminals create a convincing email thread that appears to be a conversation between a senior executive in your company and either a legitimate business partner (often compromised through a Business Email Compromise attack) or a fictitious company that looks real. The email chain typically discusses a business deal, purchase, or financial transaction, with the executive seemingly confirming the details and approving the payment.

The Anatomy of a Fake Email Chain Phishing Attack:

  1. The attacker creates a fake email chain that looks like a conversation between your executive and a company.
  2. In the email chain, the executive appears to confirm a purchase or financial transaction and instructs the company to send an invoice.
  3. The company sends the invoice, and the executive replies, directing the company to contact a specific employee in the finance department for payment.
  4. The attacker then forwards the entire email chain to the targeted finance employee, making it appear as though the executive has approved the transaction and is requesting payment.

Why Fake Email Chain Phishing Attacks Are So Effective: 

The effectiveness of fake email chain phishing attacks lies in their ability to leverage social engineering techniques and the appearance of legitimacy. By creating a realistic email conversation that includes specific details and instructions from a senior executive, attackers can convince targeted employees to act quickly and without questioning the request. The sense of urgency and the apparent involvement of a high-level executive make it more likely that the employee will comply with the request without verifying its authenticity.

Moreover, these fake email chains often appear to the victim as perfectly spoofed emails, making it even more challenging to detect the deception. The attacker's ability to manipulate email headers and content can make the entire conversation seem genuine, further increasing the likelihood of the victim falling for the scam.

The Dangerous Connection Between BEC Attacks and Fake Email Chain Phishing: 

It's important to recognize that fake email chain phishing attacks often rely on successful Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks to lend credibility to their schemes. When a legitimate business partner's email account is compromised, attackers can use that account to create convincing email chains that exploit the trust between companies. This means that your organization's security is only as strong as the weakest link in your supply chain – and that a BEC attack on another company could lead to a devastating fake email chain phishing attack on your own business.

Protecting Your Organization from Fake Email Chain Phishing Attacks: 

  1. Educate employees about the tactics used in fake email chain phishing attacks and training them to verify requests for financial transactions through a separate, secure channel.
  2. Establishing clear policies and procedures for handling financial transactions and communicating with executives about sensitive business matters.
  3. Conducting regular phishing simulations that include fake email chain scenarios to test employee awareness and readiness.

As the tactics used by cybercriminals continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it's clear that traditional security awareness training is no longer enough to protect organizations from threats like fake email chain phishing attacks. To stay ahead of these ever-changing threats, companies must invest in advanced, adaptive training programs that keep employees informed and prepared to recognize and respond to the latest phishing techniques.

The Need for Evolved Security Awareness Training: 

PhishFirewall's cutting-edge security awareness training platform is designed to meet the challenges of today's rapidly evolving threat landscape. Our AI-powered simulations and personalized training modules ensure that your employees are always ready to face the latest phishing tactics, including fake email chain attacks. 

With PhishFirewall, you can:

  1. Train employees to spot the subtle red flags and social engineering techniques used in fake email chain phishing attacks, even when they appear as perfectly spoofed emails.
  2. Simulate realistic fake email chain scenarios to test employee preparedness and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Provide targeted, adaptive training that evolves with the changing threat landscape, keeping your employees informed and vigilant.
  4. Reduce your risk of falling victim to BEC attacks and fake email chain phishing by strengthening your human firewall.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late - Act Now: The threat of fake email chain phishing attacks is real, and the consequences of falling victim can be devastating. Don't wait until your organization becomes the next headline – take action now to protect your business and your employees. Invest in PhishFirewall's advanced security awareness training platform and give your team the tools and knowledge they need to defend against even the most sophisticated phishing attacks.

Remember, cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics – isn't it time your security awareness training evolved too?

Contact PhishFirewall today to learn more about how our platform can help you stay one step ahead of the phishing threat and keep your organization secure.

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